The Do More Agriculture Foundation

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Meet The Board - Lauren Martin

April 8, 2021

1. Introduce yourself! Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Lauren Martin and I am a Government & Food Industry Relations Manager at Canadian Cattlemen's Association but I've worked in various capacities across the food and agriculture spectrum. I grew up on a farm, left for my education but I've never lost the passion for all things agriculture!

2. What originally sparked your interest in being an advocate for mental health?

Self-growth has always been a motivating factor and that openness has helped me overcome life's challenges. We all have them, and I think learning how to be the best version of myself includes taking your mental health seriously. I also, simply find it fascinating. Now couple that interest with the fact that I just want to see this industry succeed and here I am!

3. Why is mental health important to you?

I was first introduced to therapy as a teenager, and my growth began there. In saying that, I guess I've been on the 'bandwagon' for so long that it's hard for me to pinpoint exactly why it is important. At this point, it's logical that my mental health is just as important as my physical health and taking it seriously is a given. I've also used my mental and emotional tools in approximately a million ways as a professional, so it is also pays :)

4. What gives you the most hope for the landscape of mental health in agriculture?

How quickly the industry has embraced the concept that it's ok to talk about it. This is in large part due to the advocacy of DoMoreAg.

5. What does being a board member with The Do More Agriculture Foundation mean to you?

Someone recently said to me, there's nothing more powerful than an idea that's hit its right time (or something more eloquent). This topic has hit its time and I get to help steer the ship!? Wow!

6. If you could share one message with someone struggling, what would it be?

I'm not a professional, but for me, acknowledging it was my turning point. When I stopped denying the problem, I could begin getting better.