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Talk It Out: Addiction

#TalkItOut is a video series in which we share information and lived experiences on mental health topics every month. Each month’s topic will be broken down by week and highlight interviews with individuals with lived experience, someone who has been a support person, as well as insight and additional information from a mental health professional.

Talk It Out With Cynthia Beck

Cynthia Beck, Suicide Intervention Responder and Clinical Psychology graduate, who shares what addiction is, the signs and symptoms of addiction, and how to have the conversation.

Talk It Out With Joanie Malarchuk

Joanie Malarchuk, shares her personal experience supporting someone through addiction, how to get help, and how taking care of yourself is important.

Talk It Out With Allan Kehler

Allan Kehler, a mental health advocate shares his personal experience with addiction, what he wishes he knew, and how he helps others navigate through it.