Meet the Board - Daryl Fransoo

June 9, 2019

1. Introduce yourself! Who are you and what do you do?

I am a 3rd generation farmer. I farm in northern Saskatchewan just west of Glaslyn. I’m involved in AG policy and currently sit as a director on the board of the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association. 

2. What originally sparked your interest in being an advocate for mental health?

In the month previous to the launch of Do More there had been numerous suicides of farm kids in my general area. Some were very close to home for me. I couldn’t figure out a way to get involved so I started speaking up on social media and lobbying Premier Moe and our federal government to make mental health a priority in rural Canada. 

3. Why is mental health important to you?

Having good mental health is not just so you can get through the day, but so you can form healthy relationship with others, and enjoy and create the life you want.

4. What gives you the most hope for the landscape of mental health in agriculture?

The mere fact that the stigmas associated with the whole subject are starting to crack. It’s becoming main stream to talk about it. Organizations like Do More Ag are finally bringing to light the issues farmers face regarding mental health and we finally have public officials on board to help. 

5. What does being a board member with The Do More Agriculture Foundation mean to you?

To be one of the founding directors has been tough. The amount of people reaching out has been overwhelming but it shows there’s a need out there for what we are doing. I’m proud to be part of an organization that has and will continue to make a difference. 

6. If you could share one message with someone struggling, what would it be?

You’re worth it. You mean something to a lot of people. Reach out. Don’t be afraid. There is help out there. 


Meet the Board - Himanshu Singh


Meet the Board - Kim Keller