Last year, we had the wonderful opportunity to co-host the first bi-annual Circle of Care conference with the Canadian Center For Agriculture Wellbeing (CCAW).  The event provided an invaluable opportunity for mental health organizations across Canada to come together with a focus on discussing the roles of various organizations in mental health within agriculture, sharing experiences, learning from each other, and asking questions. The primary goal was to foster collaboration and enhance support for farmers and those in the agricultural community.

Participants gained numerous insights into how their roles fit together, creating a comprehensive support network for the agricultural community. The discussions highlighted how different organizations can better support farmers and agricultural workers and how we can lean on each other. 

One participant shared, “It was an amazing opportunity to meet with others from across Canada who are all passionate about serving the mental health needs of Agriculture Producers, and learning about the different services and supports that are being offered.” Another attendee remarked, “To me, the most valuable takeaway was establishing connections with others in the industry doing similar work. While I had a general idea of what was going on across the country, it was beneficial to hear more details about the various initiatives and how they are practically implemented. It was a great networking opportunity in this sense.”

Next Steps:

Looking ahead, we are eager to see the collaborations that will emerge from this event. We are committed to exploring ways to support each other in our missions and understanding how each organization can provide mutual support.

Future engagements are anticipated with excitement, as we look forward to more opportunities for conversations and meetups. One attendee summed up the sentiment perfectly: “I found the Summit quite inspirational, and while I walked away with a lot of questions, I also walked away with a lot of fresh, new ideas for our own initiatives. I will carry forward this inspiration with me in my day-to-day work. Not only that, but having contacts of others in the industry doing similar work will be an invaluable resource moving forward.”

To continue fostering collaboration and connection in the mental health in agriculture space, we plan to host this event every two years. This ongoing commitment will help us build on the momentum from each conference, ensuring that we continually support and strengthen our community.