The Do More Agriculture Foundation

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5 New Year’s Resolutions For Better Mental Health on the Farm

By Lesley Kelly, Farmer and Co-Founder of the Do More Agriculture Foundation

Do you have a New Year’s resolution for the farm? Some of the resolutions could include managing costs better, focusing on a succession plan, and improving production practices. Another resolution to consider is focusing on your mental health, because taking care of you and your mental health is also taking care of the farm. 

After another unprecedented year, many are looking to protect and make their mental health a priority. The past two years have been full of adjustments. And while we’re looking forward to a brighter 2022, continuing COVID-19-related worries can make traditional New Year’s resolutions stressful to stick to. Instead, make 2022 the year of mental health for you and your farm. This gentler approach can give you the space and time to think about what you want to change to feel better and what you realistically can do to achieve that change. By taking smaller, more achievable steps towards your goals, there is a greater chance that you will keep them.

This applies to all kinds of resolutions, including mental health. You can help manage your mental health symptoms by taking small steps every day. Of course, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to mental health. But these simple, low-stress resolutions can help boost your mental wellness for a happier New Year.

  1. Make time for self-care: Self-care is something that can be done in as little as 10 minutes a day with no cost at all. And it can help reduce stress and positively impact your mental health and well-being. Brainstorm a list of self-care activities that make you happy and schedule them as part of your daily routine. This could be structured therapy sessions or daily exercise, a stretch in the tractor or simply an outdoor walk or time with friends and loved ones. 

  2. Identifying and fostering healthy relationships: Unhealthy relationships can quickly become a stressor or mental illness trigger. For this reason, it’s important to pursue relationships with those who encourage healthy habits and provide emotional support. Depending on your circumstances, consider:

    • Reaching out to old friends you have lost contact with

    • Making regular plans with family members

    • Joining a social organization that reflects your interests or values

    • Volunteering with a non-profit organization you support

    • Creating or joining a peer group - You might find meaningful relationships and emotional support from other farmers, neighbors and those in and around your community or area.

  3. Improve your sleep: With the changes of seasons in farming comes changes to our sleeping patterns as well. But there is so much value in having a bedtime routine and getting good sleep. According to Mental Health Canada, a chronic lack of sleep can lead to mental health issues like depression. If you’re experiencing bouts of depression or mood swings, maintaining a regular sleeping schedule that gives you 7-8 hours of sleep each night could dramatically improve your wellbeing.

  4. Reduce time spent on social media: Studies have shown that an excessive use of social media can lead to less moment-to-moment happiness and less life satisfaction. While these platforms help keep us connected to family and friends, like all things, social media is only good in moderation. This year, try limiting your daily use or taking regular breaks from your apps so you can focus more on your wellbeing.

  5. Learn more about mental health: One of the most important resolutions for your mental health is to understand it and to know when to seek help. There are online resources and workshops available that provide information about mental health, as well as speaking to a medical and/or mental health professional. 

Also, please be kind to yourself. Change can be hard and often takes time. Allow yourself to have feelings and forgive yourself for mistakes. You are here and doing your best, and that’s what counts. So make 2022 the year that will have a long-lasting impact on your mental health and happiness.

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About The Do More Agriculture Foundation: 

The Do More Agriculture Foundation is the national voice and champion for mental health in Canadian agriculture and is changing the culture of agriculture to one where all producers are encouraged, supported, and empowered to take care of their mental wellbeing. Producers are among the most vulnerable when it comes to mental health issues. By collaborating with the entire industry and those working to address the state of mental health in Agriculture, we can and will make a substantial impact.