5 Ways to Develop Resilience on the Farm

June 30, 2019

During the major developmental phases of our life, we pay extra close attention to care. The vulnerability of a new baby, the irrationality of a teenager, or the declining health of an elder. We pay such close attention and attend to with so much care, because we recognize how formulative those years are. 

We have a tendency to forget that we are constantly in a state of malleability. Our ability to grow, overcome and adapt to challenges that show up on our path, continues beyond major developmental milestones. 

One of the keys to resilience is realizing that everything is always changing, especially us! Challenge offers us the chance to recalculate our trajectory for growth. Resilience encourages us to pursue that growth. As we develop our resiliency, we are able to move past challenges with more strength. 

Here are 5 ways that you can help develop resilience in yourself, in your family, on your farm, and in your workplace.


Surrounding yourself with people that you admire helps you create new positive belief patterns about yourself and the world. It’s kind of like when we hear a story about someone who has had a similar loss to us, and we see that they have been able make something beautiful out of their pain. Seeing representations of strength around us help us cultivate it in ourselves. Surround yourself with people who remind you what’s worth fighting for.


Welcome the opportunity to see things from a new perspective. Celebrate the way that adversity helps us develop compassion and understanding.


Nurture your body. Eat healthy foods, spend time outside, exercise and breathe deeply. 

Nurture your mind. Read about things that interest you, pick up a new skill, and be mindful of your thoughts. 

Nurture your relationships. Reconnect with old friends, write a letter, set healthy boundaries, exercise your YES and your NO. 

Nurture your heart. Make sure to laugh, spend time with kids, tell people you love them.


Crisis situations are daunting. They may even seem insurmountable. Resilient people are able to view these situations in a realistic way and then set reasonable goals to deal with the problem.

When you find yourself becoming overwhelmed by a situation, take a step back to simply assess what is before you. Brainstorm possible solutions, and then break them down into manageable steps. Then move forwards, one step at a time.


The authenticity of your YES is defined by the presence of your NO. Setting healthy boundaries around yourself and in your relationships is so important to prioritizing what is important to you. If you are committed to eating healthy, than maybe the weekly dairy queen visit with your friends isn’t going to be the best scenario for you to practice restraint. You are allowed to say no to situations that do not help strengthen new goals.


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