What Is The Best Mental Health Advice Someone Has Given You?

Last week on social media, we asked the Ag community what was the best mental health advice someone has given you. Here are few of your responses: 

You can’t pour from an empty cup. Which led me to Rest. With intention. Had to learn to give myself permission that sometimes rest is the most important thing that needs to be done.


Take time to do the things that make you happy - whether it’s taking a walk, listening to music, or quality time with family and friends.  

It’s not what the best advice was. It was how the best advice was delivered. Everyone was saying the same thing but only one was actually genuine about it.  Advice is just words. But understanding what mental issues can be like, changes the presentation.


One day at a time…..you can’t change people but you can change yourself. 

Just do the next thing that needs to be done.


God didn’t make any junk

A chemical imbalance in the brain is merely a condition you have that you can be treated with medication like any other health condition or illness. #noshame

Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same thing.

Atomic Habits by James Clear has been a game changer for my perspective on life. He suggests creating habits can change the way you live your life. And bring real with your personality and what about your life you can change to reduce stress. “If you want to master a habit, the key is to start with repetition, not perfection.”

Don’t always believe what you think.


You’re the one who controls what you think about, nobody else.


Gentle reminder that not every day ‘has to count’. Some days are about just making it to the next one. That counts, too. 


It's okay to just take it one day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time.


You are not your mental illness.

You are enough, and you can do it. Take small steps to understand that you can conquer your challenges, and have the grace to give yourself a break.


According to Digital Third Coast, 66% of people said the news has left them feeling overwhelmed and burnt out. Your mental health deserves better. Plan a media free day.


The purpose of your life is to be happy!


Don’t sweat the small stuff. It’s all small stuff


You’re not alone. 


Take time for self-care. Even if you have to write yourself a 'permission slip' - it's so important.


Take care of yourself first so you can care for others


Sometimes you just need to talk about something – not to get sympathy or help, but just to kill its power by allowing the truth of things to hit the air.

Talk! Your not alone.


It's OK to say no to things.


Be the best person you can be.


Isolation is where mental health issues thrive. So *make* time to connect. Our burdens can be unbearably heavy when carried on our own, but if we all share each other’s burdens, they all become lighter.


Only stress over what you can control.


When we recover loudly, we keep others from dying quietly.


Exercise is underrated.

Have more advice to add? Share the best mental health advice someone has given you by messaging us or by tagging @domoreag online! 


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