The Do More Agriculture Foundation

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What Should Be Included In Your Mental Health Plan?

March 23, 2021

In farming, we know having a plan can positively impact us, especially when things get tough. Our mental health is no different. That's why creating a mental wellness plan can be significant.

What is it?

Think of it as a guide for you to create a routine that works for you.

How To Get Started?

Getting started can be difficult; sometimes, consulting a professional can help or read into different self-care methods. Check out our blogs for more tips and guides.

What should be included in your plan?
1. An understanding of your mental wellness. Check out different trackers to gauge how you are doing.
2. Identifying your triggers and major stressors that challenge your ability to maintain your mental health.
3. A daily routine of mental wellness activities to create balance for your health. ie: Morning stretch, journaling, or maybe gardening.
4. A list of coping strategies that help you cope with stress you may face.
5. A list of support you can reach out to when you need some help. From friends, family, or professional help. Check out for more sources.
6. Extra space that allows for you to reflect on your mental health journey and/or room to make changes with your plan if unforeseen items occur.
7. A way to record your accountability for your mental wellness plan so that you see the progress you are making.
8. Allow space for grace. Your mental health fluctuates and so does our plan but that's okay.