10 Unexpected Ways 2020 Helped Us Grow

February 12, 2021

As we reflect on a year that was challenging and stressful, it is uplifting to consider the unexpected ways 2020 may have helped us grow. Here is a list of 70 favourable activities or experiences that 2020 may have facilitated, categorized by the 10 dimensions of wellness.  

  1. Socially

    • Learned to love and appreciate family and friends

    • Placed greater value on gatherings and events

    • Navigated multiple roles and responsibilities: caregiving, parenting, and/or working-from-home 

    • Formed deep, compassionate, and supportive relationships

    • Scheduled check-ins with those you love 

    • Engaged in community events (virtual or not)

    • Joined a team, group, or club

  2. Emotionally

    • Learned how to self-regulate 

    • Experienced new or forgotten emotions

    • Learned techniques to promote relaxation and manage stress

    • Practiced gratitude 

    • Openly discussed your feelings of stress or uncertainty with a confidant 

  3. Physically

    • Spent more time on your nutrition: cooking, baking, eating more routine meals and/or less fast food

    • Spent more time on your fitness: workout at home or outside, got more fresh air

    • Maintained a more regular sleep schedule; got sufficient and quality sleep

    • Drank more water 

    • Learned to recognize warning signs of illness 

    • Developed an awareness of portion sizes or unhealthy eating habits 

    • Practiced more comprehensive/thorough personal hygiene 

    • Made time to relax and unwind

  4. Psychologically

    • Identified unhealthy coping strategies and implemented healthy ones

    • Obtained professional mental health services 

    • Developed a self-care routine

    • Acquired skills for managing stress

    • Identified and worked through negative feelings or bad past experiences

    • Engaged in optimistic thinking and reflected on past positive life experiences

    • Discovered personal strengths and resilience 

  5. Spiritually

    • Understood what it is to be present in the moment, perhaps facilitated by activities such as meditation, yoga, or self-care rituals 

    • Identified your core values

    • Developed a deeper faith or furthered religious commitments 

    • Learned how to decompress

    • Evaluated your purpose and discovered a deeper/new meaning in life 

    • Volunteered or helped another  

    • Practiced forgiveness

  6. Intellectually

    • Learned to filter information, evaluate it, and judge the credibility of sources

    • Learned a new skill, a new hobby, took an online course, or furthered education

    • Read books 

    • Created a craft or art project 

    • Tried a new recipe 

    • Discovered podcasts or new music

  7. Romantically

    • Learned to fare with your spouse/partner when spending a lot of time together 

    • Set boundaries

    • Practiced praising or complimenting your partner

    • Practiced kind and respectful conversation

    • Engaged in difficult discussions (perhaps even arguments) in order to bring a better understanding of life and relationship expectations or commitments 

    • Prioritized ‘alone time’ 

    • Joined a dating app

    • Took a break from an unfulfilling relationship 

  8. Vocationally

    • Learned how to be flexible with work arrangements and business commitments

    • Started a side-job or money-making hobby 

    • Took a professional development course or work-related training

    • Participated in a webinar, seminar, or virtual event  

    • Set career goals or re-evaluated past goals

    • Spent more or less time working

    • Attempted an improved work-life balance 

    • Made an investment 

    • Developed a succession plan

  9. Environmentally

    • Gained a deeper appreciation for the privilege of travel and vacationing

    • Spent more time outdoors

    • Decluttered, cleaned, organized, renovated, or redecorated the house

    • Moved into a new home

    • Planted and tended to a garden

    • Surrounded yourself with people or things that brought you peace and joy

    • Purchased from local shops or markets 

  10. Culturally 

    • Took a stand regarding social issues

    • Developed a deeper understanding and compassion for people of other cultures

    • Respectfully engaged in conversation with people who have different experiences or worldviews than you

    • Respected diversity 

    • Became more open-minded

    • Acknowledged or challenged your own biases, stereotypes, or prejudice

    Are any of these activities/experiences relatable? What are some other ways 2020 may have helped you grow? Let us know! 

    Written by Coral Blaikie. 


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