What If I Can’t Afford Therapy?

February 9, 2021

Therapy can be a great tool to help achieve or maintain good mental wellbeing, but what happens when you might not be able to afford therapy?

Unfortunately, therapy isn’t always covered by insurance and paying out of your pocket can be expensive. However, there are other tools that you can use if therapy isn’t an option. 

1. Check out low-cost therapy if you can spend a little bit. 

Reach out to your family doctor. They may know solutions or services that can provide aid. 

Check-in with your community services. Many organizations provide free or low-cost therapy. 

Online platforms are starting to be the leading way for therapy. These platforms often provide cheaper options than in person. Check out BetterHelp.com for an online option.

Check-in with the therapist in your area. Some therapists provide lower rates for those who may need a little support. 

2. Use Your Phone 

If you have access to wifi or data, you have many tools right at your fingertips. There are many apps out there like Headspace and Calm that provide resources to help with relaxation. Want to track your mood? There is an app for that now! 

3. Change Your Lifestyle Up 

Getting the proper amount of nutrition, sleep, and movement can significantly impact your mood! 

4. Use Widely Accepted Resources

These are not direct replacements for therapy, but many blogs, books, podcasts, and YouTube videos provide great information. Check our blog post on podcasts we love: 5 Mental Health Podcast You Should Listen To!.

5. Start Journaling 

Journaling gives us the opportunity to let our feelings out in a safe environment and an opportunity to reflect on our emotions. For more tips on journaling visit our blog: Journaling Is A Healthy Coping Strategy.


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